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sys-con is a sysmodule that allows you to use normally-unsupported controllers as if they were natively supported, like PS3, PS4, PS5 and Xbox One S/X controllers via USB. The full supported feature and controller list can be found on the official Github repository here including usage instructions and configuration options.

Installation requirements:

  • An archive manager like 7-Zip
  • The latest release of sys-con (the sys-con-(version).zip file)

Installation instructions:

  1. Boot into Hekate and go to Tools > USB Tools > SD Card, then plug your Switch into your PC via USB.
  2. Your microSD card should now be accessible on your PC, open it.
  3. Extract the .zip file to a location on your computer.
    • If your archive manager allows for it, you can also simply open the .zip file directly.
  4. Copy the contents of the (extracted) .zip file to the root of your microSD card.
    • Optional: You can verify if you've installed sys-con correctly, you should have a folder called 690000000000000D (sys-con) in sd:/atmosphere/contents.
  5. Boot into CFW.


My Switch crashes on boot after I installed sys-con!:

Cause: While it's almost impossible for this to happen, if your Switch crashes with Error code 2162-0002 (0x4a2) and Title ID 690000000000000D, you're using a version of sys-con that's incompatible with your Switch firmware version. The expected firmware version is mentioned on each release page of a sys-con release.

  • Note: sys-con hasn't needed an update for years as of the moment of writing this. If it does need an update, an updated release will be mentioned here.

sys-con isn't working!:

Assuming you've followed the installation instructions successfully, this is probably due to the archive bit being set on one or more folders/files on your microSD card. This is usually the result of copying files to a microSD card via a Mac. If you are experiencing this issue, try running the archive bit fixer utility via Hekate for all files.

This can be done by booting into Hekate and going to Tools > Arch bit • RCM Touch • Pkg1/2 > Fix Archive Bit.