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RCM Payload Injectors

There are currently multiple RCM payload injectors available from multiple different companies and individuals. These devices remove the need to use a computer or smartphone when hacking an unpatched Switch. Each injector has its own advantages and disadvantages, listed below:

NameManufacturerRCM Jig Included?RCM Jig Storage?Standard Payload (.bin) Support?Payload on SD Support?Multi-Payload Support?Battery LifeRecharge TimePrice (USD)Misc Info
AceNS (Old)Ace3DS Team✔️✔️✔️N/A (Capacitors)10 seconds$18.00​ (Discontinued)Not Recommended: Overpriced clone of the RCMLoader Zero
AceNS (New)Ace3DS Team✔️️ ✔️✔️✔️45mAh LiPo (~1000 injections)1 hour$17.50Not Recommended: Overpriced clone of the RCMLoader One
AceNS ProAce3DS Team✔️✔️✔️✔️ (Required)45mAh LiPo (~1000 injections)1 hour$42.90Not Recommended: Overpriced clone of the RCMLoader One with multiple features missing
DragonInjectorMatinatorX✔️✔️✔️✔️ (Required)✔️40mAh CR1612 (~4000 injections)Non-Rechargeable (Replacable)$30.00​ (Discontinued)Fits in the Switch's gamecard slot
NS-AtmosphereGeneric✔️✔️150mAh LiPo (>1000 injections)>1 hour$13.15Not Recommended: Unsafe jig, overly bulky, changing payload requires installing a program, lack of .bin support complicates usage
R4SR4i-SDHC Team✔️✔️✔️120mAh LiPo (~1000 injections)1 hour$19.99
RCMLoader ZeroXkit✔️✔️️ ✔️N/A (Capacitors)10 seconds$5.99​ (Discontinued)
RCMLoader OneXkit✔️✔️✔️✔️45mAh LiPo (~1000 injections)1 hour$9.99
SX GearTeam Xecuter✔️✔️ (Required)N/A (Supercapacitors)5-10 seconds$24.95Not Recommended: Lack of .bin support complicates usage
SX ProTeam Xecuter✔️✔️ (Required)N/A (Supercapacitors)5-10 seconds$49.99Not Recommended: Lack of .bin support complicates usage